During this dry spell we have took the opportunity to start dealing with the ‘Waterwheel Pit’ issues, as over the years a rather deep accumulation of silt has built up. This could cause us issues come the next winter as it is already half way up the tail race culvert and it wouldn’t take much to block it. During the wet weather the silt was more akin to quicksand, so we tested the depth with a long pole to find it was about 3 foot deep, so there is a fair bit of stuff in there and will have to be removed if we are ever to get the wheel moving again, even if only decorative as opposed to generating power and avoid potential floods.
So on go the welly boots and climb on down into the pit, to find that when dry it is reasonably stable enough to stand on and dig down and start the hard slog to get it all out, we are doing a bit each time as it is hard work lifting it out and then taking the ‘spoil’ to where we are depositing it. On the good side it looks like pretty good compost with dead plant material in it. As can be seen by the photo with the spade (for scale) and the muck line showing where the surface was. Standing on the bottom my head is about a foot from the top of the pit.
Further down the tail race culvert there are additional issues as it is all partially blocked with silt and to add to the issues, part of the yard looks to have collapsed where the culvert runs, so digging that up at present as well. Concrete has been removed leaving the hardcore and rubble base to discover what lies beneath.
So if anyone out there fancies a FREE working holiday helping us dig everything out, please feel free to drop us a line, for few hours work lodgings and food thrown in with time off for sightseeing.