Drove up the road beyond Pumsaint the other day to take some time off and clear our heads with a short walk and chill out beside the reservoir. We drove out there via Llandre and Cwrt-y-cadno from Pumsaint which is a narrow twisty road that seems to go on for ages. We came back via Cilycwm and Porthyrhyd which is longer, but for the most part on wider roads.
The walk around the mini mountain (Dinas) was a mixture between nice and easy, to very up and down near enough scramble, which kind of killed my knees. Apparently there is a lower path thats easier, but we missed it entirely. Plus it didn’t help that I scrambled up to the Cave, where Wales answer to Robin Hood hid, it was reasonably easy getting up, but not so much getting down again as a bit slippy.

Exit from car park

Board walk from car park

Going anti-clockwise still easy

Starting to get interesting

This is where I put the camera/phone away, it got worse!

Past the hard bit

The walk is only about 2 miles around, but it took us two hours to do it, mainly because we did not want to go base over apex. Having said that Sarah did go for a tumble at one point, but picked herself up again with a bit of help from me. Back to the car and a cup of coffee and a sausage roll, then drove 1/2 mile up the road to the car park at Llyn Brianne for the marvellous views on offer.

Looking back down the spillway

Top of spillway and the ‘logging’ road going over it

Up in the Cambrian mountains there are some wonderful ‘mountain’ roads that would be brilliant for motorbikes, especially if you approach from the North, Tregaron side. Especially judging by the amount of bikers parked up. On and yes there are toilets there.

looking out across the reservoir from the car park

Looking back at the dam from the lower car Park

Looking back down the valley from the reservoir, from the lower car park

Although it is a marvellous place to take your Motorhome/Campervan, I would suggest you approach from Cilycwm and Llandovery, well certainly Motorhomes anyway.